Tag Archives: redjumpsuitapparatus

School and Faith Struggles

So life is… interesting. Busy, i guess you’d call it. I’m really bad at keeping up habits, as you can probably tell by the fact that this is my second post, but I recognize that habits are part of a healthy lifestyle. So, I’m going to try to post more often, and have a few basic things I can post about without too much thought.
First though, I want to talk about some struggles I’ve been having. My faith life is … not good. Practically nonexistent, in fact. Sure I’ll shoot off a mental “Thanks God!” when something goes well, but thought-out extensive prayers are rare. I never open my Bible, and haven’t been to church all month (although that has a lot to do with the weather) and am beginning to feel spiritually dry. I know what I should do, and how easy it can be, but there is an almost unconscious mental block I get when I consider pulling my Bible off the shelf. “But I need to study!” is a common excuse. Which is wrong – school is just for the beginning of my life, and once it’s done, it’s done. But Faith lasts a lifetime and needs to be cultivated and practiced throughout. So really I’m just asking, if you read this, please pray for me to stop procrastinating and open the good Book.
Next, one of my new ‘habit posts’ (I hope this will last) my monthly book of choice! (I’d love to say week but that’s a bit too much optimism right now.) I recommend Sabha Tahir’s novel An Ember in the Ashes. It’s a story set in a society similar to the Roman empire from the viewpoints of a soldier and a scholar(rebel) who both want freedom from the strictures of the Empire, but are afraid of what happens if they try to escape and fail. It’s a devastating read, packed with tension and conflict, and I cried about eight times. So, it’s great if you’ve been feeling too much like a stone brick and want to have emotions (hopefully – if your heart doesn’t break while reading this I’m not sure you have one). Honestly though, it’s a great book so… read it! Yeah! … Ok
And my other ‘habit post’ is going to be music because I love it a lot! I’m going to be a bit bland this time, as no song’s really stuck out to me recently, and choose ‘Your Guardian Angel’ by the Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. It always make me smile and want to cry at the same time and generally makes me feel more positive about life, so I wanted to share it with the world.
That’s all for today.

Witch of Endor